What are herbal supplements?

Products made from botanicals, or plants, that are used to treat diseases or to maintain health are called herbal products, botanical products, or phytomedicines. A product made from plants and used solely for internal use is called an herbal supplement.

Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant products, but these products contain only purified ingredients and are regulated by the FDA. Herbal supplements may contain entire plants or plant parts.

Herbal supplements come in all forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid, and can be used in various ways, including:

  • Swallowed as pills, powders, or tinctures
  • Brewed as tea
  • Applied to the skin as gels, lotions, or creams
  • Added to bath water

The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, the use of herbal supplements is common among American consumers. However, they are not for everyone. Because they are not subject to close scrutiny by the FDA, or other governing agencies, the use of herbal supplements remains controversial. It is best to consult your doctor about any symptoms or conditions you have and to discuss the use of herbal supplements.

The FDA and herbal supplements

The FDA considers herbal supplements foods, not drugs. Therefore, they are not subject to the same testing, manufacturing, and labeling standards and regulations as drugs.

You can now see labels that explain how herbs can influence different actions in the body. However, herbal supplement labels can't refer to treating specific medical conditions. This is because herbal supplements are not subject to clinical trials or to the same manufacturing standards as prescription or traditional over-the-counter drugs.

For example, St. John's wort is a popular herbal supplement thought to be useful for treating depression in some cases. A product label on St. John's wort might say, "enhances mood," but it cannot claim to treat a specific condition, such as depression.

Herbal supplements, unlike medicines, are not required to be standardized to ensure batch-to-batch consistency. Some manufacturers may use the word standardized on a supplement label, but it does not necessarily mean the same thing from one manufacturer to the next.

Precautions when choosing herbal supplements

Herbal supplements can interact with conventional medicines or have strong effects. Do not self-diagnose. Talk to your doctor before taking herbal supplements.

  • Educate yourself. Learn as much as you can about the herbs you are taking by consulting your doctor and contacting herbal supplement manufacturers for information.
  • If you use herbal supplements, follow label instructions carefully and use the prescribed dosage only. Never exceed the recommended dosage, and seek out information about who should not take the supplement.
  • Work with a professional. Seek out the services of a trained and licensed herbalist or naturopathic doctor who has extensive training in this area.
  • Watch for side effects. If symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, or upset stomach, occur, reduce the dosage or stop taking the herbal supplement.
  • Be alert for allergic reactions. A severe allergic reaction can cause trouble breathing. If such a problem occurs, call 911 or the emergency number in your area for help.
  • Research the company whose herbs you are taking. All herbal supplements are not created equal, and it is best to choose a reputable manufacturer's brand. Ask yourself:
    • Is the manufacturer involved in researching its own herbal products or simply relying on the research efforts of others?
    • Does the product make outlandish or hard-to-prove claims?
    • Does the product label give information about the standardized formula, side effects, ingredients, directions, and precautions?
    • Is label information clear and easy to read?
    • Is there a toll-free telephone number, an address, or a website address listed so consumers can find out more information about the product?




With modern lifestyle and living conditions, constipation has emerged a major disease in every household, affecting children and adults alike.  Constipation is generally considered to be a condition wherein there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardening o faeces, involving high level of constraint.
But, did you know that constipation is not just associated with bloating and the inability to pass stools? It has several other associated symptoms too, such as headaches, bad breath, acne, loss of appetite, irritability haemorrhoids, acidity, ulcers in the mouth, disturbed sleep, mood swings, dullness and lack of enthusiasm. Though all of these symptoms may not appear together, constipation is associated with most of these symptoms.

Causes of constipation

Ayurveda believes that constipation is the result of indigestion, which leads to accumulation of faeces in the intestine. Vata (air element) is produced, its dry and cold quality interferes with the functioning of colon, and manifests in the form of heaviness, stomach pain and increased thirst.
As for cause, most of the causes are lifestyle-related. Once you make specific lifestyle tweaks, you can regain a clean colon. Some other causes could be pregnancy, age, and travel.
Insufficient water intake is the primary cause. The food in your intestinal tract needs water to move and reach its final destination. Therefore, with less consumption of water, you are likely to feel constipated. Drinking sufficient amount of water is the best natural remedy for Having processed food, meat, alcohol, and excessive dairy intake, involving a diet with nil fibre content, is the most common cause of constipation. Drinking excess tea and coffee can aggravate the problem and cause chronic constipation.
Finally, the sedentary lifestyles that we lead today are a major cause for constipation. So, ensure that you including walks and any form of exercise in your routine.

Few Ayurvedic Remedies for relief:

Listed below are some Ayurvedic remedies that can help you find relief from constipation. Most of these are practical tips and remedies that can aid you in your journey of finding relief from constipation.

A teaspoon of ghee at bedtime can help

Ghee is an excellent lubricator. Ayurveda uses ghee in most of its medications. Ghee helps by lubricating your intestinal tract and helping with smooth passage of faeces. Although oil also works on the same principles as ghee, the latter is the healthier option. A teaspoon of coconut or olive oil may also do the trick. You can also add ghee to warm milk and consume at bedtime.

Pay attention to diet

The nutrients in leafy veggies help in muscle contraction, while the fibrous fruits increase the bulk of the faeces. One best way out is to follow a vata-pacifying diet, by keeping away from cold foods and drinks, dried fruits, salads and most beans. Instead, go for warm foods and drinks and well-cooked veggies.

Triphala is the best Ayurvedic remedy

Triphala is one of the most trusted and effective remedies for curing constipation. Have it in the form of tea. Else, grind together quarter teaspoon each of triphala, cardamom seeds and coriander seeds and have twice a day. The glycoside present in Triphala has laxative properties, while coriander and cardamom seeds help treats flatulence and indigestion.

Liquorice root promotes bowel activity

On consultation with your Ayurvedic physician, you can take a teaspoon of powdered liquorice root, and mix it up with warm water, adding a teaspoon of jaggery to it. This helps in improving bowel activity.

Figs soaked in warm water may be beneficial for kids

The high fibre content presence in figs makes it the ideal remedy for constipation, particularly in kids. Figs also helps keep your digestion strong. They could be included as part of daily diet.

Replace regular tea with ginger / mint / dandelion tea

Ginger, being a warming herb can help generate more internal heat, thereby activating the process of digestion. The menthol present in peppermint has an antispasmodic effect that helps relax the muscles in digestive tract, making it easier for the stool to pass through. Dandelion tea has a mild laxative effect too.

Castor oil is a natural laxative

Since ancient days, people have believed in the power of castor oil, which is a popular natural laxative. This oil stimulates small and large intestine. On consuming 1 to 2 teaspoons of the oil on an empty stomach, one can pass stool within 8 hours.

Water for hydration and moderate exercise is a ‘must’

Drinking sufficient quantity of water is a remedy by itself, as water hydrates the body and helps the food move along digestive system. It helps soften the stools too. Ideally you should drink a minimum 8 glasses of water a day. However, do not replace it with any other artificial or sweetened beverage. There is really no substitute to clean and pure water. Also, ensure that you exercise at least half an hour a day to stimulate bowel activity.

Try inverted yoga postures

As mentioned earlier, Ayurveda believes that excess vata disrupts the downward energy that supports elimination and stability. So what is the solution, you ask? Go upside down with inverted postures! Postures such as ‘viparita karani’ (legs up the wall pose) can help reverse the flow of ‘prana’ in the body, and aids better integration. They stimulate the lower belly and helps settle the pelvic organs that may have been disrupting the whole process.
If these simple measures do not work for you, discuss with your Ayurvedic physician if you need to take any internal medications, and the appropriate dosage and course of treatment to help you find relief from constipation.

10 effective medicinal uses of Ayurvedic herb Gokshura (Tribulus plant)

‘Nerinjil’, also known as ‘Gokshura’ or ‘Devil’s weed’ is a plant that is covered with thorns, comprising small leaves flowers that are yellow in colour. It is the thorns of the herb that are used for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda. The thorn is actually its fruit. Gokshura (Tribulus plant) is commonly found in India and China and is largely used to treat infertility disorders and urinary problems. However, this herb has a host of other health benefits too. Read on to know more about the medicinal values of Gokshura (Tribulus plant).

Treats female infertility

Polycystic Ovarian Disease/Sydrome (PCOS) is the main cause of female infertility. PCOS may also bring about other health issues such as glucose intolerance and water retention. Glucose intolerance leads to diabetes. Gokshura has the ability to reduce water retention in the body, and the size of cyst can be reduced too. The herb rejuvenates the uterus, is also used as a treatment for low libido, and it helps strengthen reproductive tissues. The herb eases menopausal symptoms too.

Helps boost testosterone in men

Gokshura helps increase testosterone hormone levels, improves libido, helps improve erectile dysfunction and low sperm count. Overall, it helps with a healthy reproductive system in men. The herb is also useful in treatment of prostate-related issues by preventing prostate enlargement, due to the presence of stigma, sterols and beta-sitosterol.

Treats urinary stones / kidney stones

According to reports by Ayurveda researchers, Gokshura seed infusion is useful in treatment or elimination of urinary or kidney stones. For this, the decoction of the fruitsand roots of the herb are used thrice a day for a week as medication. The roots of the herb are sweet, cooling, diuretic, lithontriptic and are useful in renal and vesicle calculi, dysuria, and in vitiated conditions of vata and pitta. All parts of the plant are beneficial in treatment of urinary retention, kidney stone, and fever.

Has Diuretic properties

Gokshura is effective in curing urinary diseases, and on regular consumption, the herb easily helps a person find relief from bladder problems and other diuretic ailments. Due to its diuretic activity Gokshura is used through a lot of formulations. It has a cleansing effect on urinary bladder. It is due to the lithotryptic property of the herb that it helps regulate the functioning of urinary system.

Used as aphrodisiac

Since ancient times, Gokshura has been used as an aphrodisiac in different cultures. The herb boosts ovulation in women and sperm production in men. Both men and women dealing with issues such as infertility and wishing to start a family can consume Gokshura. It also improves sperm quality and quantity in men.

Beneficial in treating skin ailments

Gokshura is largely used in Ayurvedic medicine as an internal skin cleanser. Teenagers and adults suffering from acne and break-outs can use this as treatment and to prevent recurrence. With constant use, the healing properties of Gokshura can help lend a clear skin, apart from helping with treatment of wounds, skin inflammations, skin eruptions, itchiness and hives.

Is a good anti-aging agent

With regular use, Gokshura can make your skin appear younger, slowing down the aging effects. This is due to its effectiveness in fighting fine lines, wrinkles and cell degeneration. It also improves the muscle power when consumed regularly.

Prevents cardiac ailments

Gokshura is popular for the major role that it plays in improving cardiac functioning. It is ideal for curing heart ailments like angina, while also reducing the susceptibility of heart attacks. It lowers high cholesterol in the body, and has been proven to reduce blood sugar, hypertension and blood pressure levels.

Helps build body muscle

Gokshura can be of help to men who wish to build their muscles. Rather than opt for supplements and steroid injections, this little herb is a natural way to achieve strong muscles, as Gokshura helps with body building, while the minerals present in this herb helps improve body composition and muscle strength.

Helps improve mental health

The presence of MOA inhibitors makes Gokshura effective in regulating the hormone serotonin, which influences emotional and mental well-being. When consumed on regular basis, it is effective in treating psychological imbalances, relieves tension and stress, calms headaches, and helps manage psychological imbalances.
Other uses of Gokshura:
The herb is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, and hence is useful as a general tonic and revitalizer for kidneys, liver and urinary tract. The herb is also beneficial in treating a variety of other issues such as hair fall, rheumatism, weak nervous system, obesity, piles, bed wetting, abnormal menstruation, headache / stress, and eye problems.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Coronary Artery Blockage Without Surgery  Ayurveda

Coronary artery blockage is the most common heart disease and also causes of premature death in the present era. Comparatively, male sex is more prone to the Arterial Blockages than females. Heart muscles need a regular blood supply, oxygen molecules and nutrients to function properly. Heart muscles need a regular blood supply, oxygen molecules and nutrients to function properly. Coronary arteries are those which supply blood to the heart muscles, any blockage in the coronary arteries causes decreases the supply of blood to the heart muscles. Coronary artery blockage is caused due to the build-up of the cells, fat and cholesterol which is called as plaque, which leads to lack of blood supply to the heart muscles.
When the person is active and takes too much stress, the heart needs, even more, blood supply, but when the coronary artery is blocked then there will be a lack of blood supply to heart muscles, such a condition is known as ischemic heart disease. Common symptoms of ischemic heart disease are
  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • Shortness of the breath
  • Tightness in chest
These symptoms take time to appear, but with the gradual decrease in oxygen supplied by the blood the muscles of the heart can get damaged, sometimes even permanently and that is what happens in a heart attack. If someone is suffering from ischemia since long, then it can lead to irregular heartbeat and heart failure.
Tests conducted for detecting coronary artery disease:
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Exercise Stress
  • Nuclear Scan Test
  • Stress Thallium Test
  • Cardiac Catheterization
You doctor based on your medical history and symptoms will refer a particular test.
If the coronary artery disease is diagnosed, then there are a number of ways it can be treated including lifestyle changes, medication, procedure or surgery
  • Lifestyle changes: It includes daily exercise, changes in the diet and strictly no smoking
  • Medication: In the allopathic system of medicine, medication can only help treat the symptoms of blocked coronary arteries, it cannot fix them.
Ayurvedic Approach: The way of understanding of medoroga prakarana according to yogaratnakara and other acharyas are unique. Even stoulya and medoroga is caused due to medo vruddi. Our acharya explains stoulya prakarana and medo roga prakarana in separately. It indicates that Stoulya includes fatty deposition in the adipose tissue. Likewise Medo roga including fat molecules and plasma cholesterol in the blood. Due to the more quantity of the fat molecules and plasma cholesterol in the blood, it can cause several disorders including coronary artery blockage, gallbladder stones, PCOD, Hypothyroidism, X-syndrome etc.
Clinically sometimes a person may be lean but can suffer from coronary artery disease or gallbladder stones, hypercholesterolemia, higher plasma cholesterol levels. Sometimes, we can’t find these conditions in obese persons, but they are more at risk of suffering from these problems.

Ayurvedic Medication:
Line of treatment:
  • Hrudya vati 1000mg 2 times a day before food can be helpful
  • Anarsha Kshara 3 pinch before food.
  • Sukha virechana Churna 1tsb after food will surely help
  • At the plaque formation stage in arteries and before the thrombus (blood clot) formation, plasma cholesterol management is required and for this Hrudya vati is highly recommended
  • With the help of above mentioned ayurvedic medicines, we can easily treat coronary artery blockage of 10 to 100%, without any stent or bypass surgery
  • Anupana: Water, Honey or Ghrutha
Other indications
  • Prevention of heart attack
  • Increased blood cholesterol (Lipid Profile Abnormalities)
  • Gall Bladder Stones
  • PCOD
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Metabolic X-Syndrome.
Coronary artery Blockage is caused due to Medo Vruddi in the blood that may accumulate in the coronary artery vessels. And, will eventually cause ischemia in the heart muscles i.e. craving of the oxygen supply to the heart muscles. That may produce the symptom like irregular heart rhythm, shortness of the breath, angina. After that, it may lead to thrombus formation and can cause myocardial infarction.
Serological Study: Sometimes 100% blockage with cholesterol, fat molecules and cells i.e. Plaque may not show any symptoms, but sometimes even 20-30% of blockage can show all the symptoms. So in the higher cholesterol level or in the hypercholesterolemia conditions and in the early stages of the Plaque formation, one should take medication.
Scientific study:- By observing different scholar’s scientific study of all the ingredients of Hrudya vati with respect to regularization of cholesterol level and break down of Plaque formation, we concluded that Hrudya Vati is the drug of choice for the coronary artery blockages.
Animal experiment: Also for further study we conducted an animal experiment on mice in Govt M-Pharma College Bangalore. Experiment result shows serum cholesterol level becomes normal. So that it can prevent the coronary blockage, and reverse the coronary artery blockages.
Clinical study: Through the Clinical study we observed that at the stage of plaque formation in the coronary artery and other arteries can be removed permanently that is 100% by advising Hrudya Vati.
No need to go for any stunt or bypass operation. With this medication can clear the pathway of the blood vessels, also prevents the blockages & heart attack. In case, there is a family history of heart attack and your blood cholesterol is high, it is advisable that you take at least one course of Hrudya vati, once a year. So, everyone must try to understand the condition of the coronary artery blockage and prevent further complications based on the evidence.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
A heart attack can be the first thing a person thinks of when they have chest pain. However, there are many potential causes of pain in the chest area. No matter the cause, a person usually wants to eliminate the pain quickly.
Home remedies for heart pain are meant to treat infrequent chest pain that is due to digestive issues, such as gas, muscle strains, and anxiety.
It may not be easy to tell the difference between this benign pain and more serious conditions. When in doubt, people should always seek medical attention.
A person must receive urgent medical care when:
  • heart or chest pain feels crushing, tight, squeezing, or heavy
  • a person suspects they are having a heart attack
  • shortness of breath is experienced alongside chest pain

Ten Home Remedies For Heart Pain | Ayurveda

There are several things a person can try at home to help alleviate heart pain when it occurs and to prevent future occurrences.
The home remedies below should only be used when a person has been examined by a doctor and is certain that the chest pain is not caused by something serious, such as a heart attack.
Also, these remedies are not meant for a person with angina. People with angina should follow the treatment given to them by their doctor.

1. Almonds

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

When acid reflux is to blame for the heart pain, eating a few almonds or drinking a cup of almond milk may help.
There is not much scientific evidence to support these claims around almonds. Instead, most of the evidence is anecdotal with people passing on their knowledge or experience to others.
One thing to keep in mind is that almonds are high in fat, which can cause acid reflux. If this is the case, almonds could actually make the pain worse.
However, some research indicates that almond consumption may help with the prevention of heart disease. Though almonds may not stop the immediate pain, they can have a positive impact on overall heart health.

2. Cold pack

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

A common cause of heart or chest pain is a muscle strain. In these cases, a person can have pain in the chest due to strain from exercise, other activities, or blunt trauma.
In any of these cases, icing the area with a cold pack is a widely accepted method to help reduce swelling and stop the pain.

3. Hot drinks

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

A hot drink may help to eliminate gas when a person's pain is due to gas or bloating. The hot liquid can also help boost digestion.
Some drinks may be better than others in this respect. For example, hibiscus tea has been found to have several benefits beyond helping with bloating.
Hibiscus may also play a role in lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol. These added benefits may help prevent heart complications.

4. Baking soda

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

Another popular recommendation for heart pain is to add baking soda to warm or cool water. The result is an alkaline solution that can help reduce the acid in the stomach if that is causing the pain.
However, a study in 2013 concluded that baking soda may be good to treat heartburn but may have adverse effects on the heart overall.

5. Garlic

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

Garlic is claimed to be a remedy for chest pain, although there is no science to back this up.
People can mix a clove or two of minced garlic with a glass of warm milk. Instead of drinking the garlic, they should chew the pieces to gain the maximum benefit.
Research has shown that garlic can help to reverse heart disease and reduce the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

6. Apple cider vinegar

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

Apple cider vinegar is another home remedy meant to help with acid reflux. People claim that drinking it before or after a meal may prevent acid reflux. Though a popular theory, there is little evidence to support the claims.
Apple cider vinegar has minimal side effects, but people taking blood thinner may want to avoid its use, as it can also thin the blood.

7. Aspirin

A person may want to take aspirin if they have chest pain. A pain reliever, such as aspirin, can help alleviate the heart pain associated with less severe cases.
Research also indicates that consistent use of low-dose aspirin may help prevent heart attacks. But aspirin remains controversial due to the increased risk of bleeding.

8. Lie down

When heart pain strikes, lying down immediately with the head elevated above the body may bring some relief. A slightly upright position helps when the pain is due to reflux.

9. Ginger

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

Similarly to other herbs, ginger is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. More importantly, research indicates that ginger may help to ease stomach issues and prevent vomiting.

10. Turmeric milk

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain At Home | Ayurveda

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that may alleviate pain symptoms in the chest.
Turmeric milk combines about a teaspoon of turmeric spice with a cup of warm milk. The mixture should be drunk before bed to help alleviate pain.
For long-term use, studies indicate the compounds in turmeric can help with preventing heart disease. The spice has also been shown to reduce cholesterol.

Causes of heart pain

There are many potential causes of heart pain in the chest. Some require medical attention immediately. Others are much more benign and may respond to a home remedy.
Some of the common causes of heart pain include:
  • heart attack
  • stable angina
  • unstable angina
  • heartburn
  • acid reflux or GERD
  • muscle strain
  • injury to muscles
Heart attacks require emergency medical attention. If a person thinks they may be having a heart attack, they should see a doctor immediately.
Angina, which results from the coronary arteries being clogged or narrowed, may also require medical attention and treatment.

Possible complications

The main concern when chest pain occurs is a heart attack.
People should be aware of the symptoms of a heart attack and seek immediate medical attention if a heart attack is suspected.
Symptoms may include the following in addition to chest pain:
  • pain in other areas of the upper body, including neck, jaw, or arm
  • shortness of breath
  • nausea
  • lightheadedness
  • cold sweat
Women should be aware that they are less likely to experience intense chest pain than men. They are more likely to have uncomfortable pressure or squeezing in their chest than pain. Women are also more likely to experience the other symptoms of a heart attack than a man.

When to see a doctor

A person should seek immediate medical attention at the first signs of a heart attack.
Also, a person should not use a home remedy as the first line of defense.
If the pain is new or unusual, people should seek out a medical diagnosis to ensure it is not due to something more severe than heartburn or gas.


Home remedies have a place in the effective treatment of often minor pain in the chest when the cause is known, and it is not a serious condition. On the other hand, any serious cases, such as a heart attack or angina, should be treated immediately by a medical professional.
If a person has any doubt, they should avoid using home treatments and seek medical attention as soon as possible.